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EaP Index

The idea of comparing country reform agendas and performance in their relationship with the EU emerged in 2010, soon after the Eastern Partnership was launched. The first Assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum that took place in Brussels in November 2009 demonstrated that there is strong civil society in the region, but it lacks collective effort to stimulate reforms on the ground. From this perspective, the Index serves as a tool for civil society monitoring and advocacy in the EaP. Two aspects of the Index stand out. First, it takes the idea of deep and sustainable democracy seriously, setting out detailed standards for its assessment. Second, the Index provides a nuanced and transparent cross-country and cross-sector picture and a comparative view. The six countries are assessed along the same list of questions and indicators and this list is very comprehensive (695 items). Third, the Index attempts to bolster existing EU efforts, such as the annual progress report, by offering independent analysis. The Index appears annually soon after the EU publishes its progress reports, and aims to reinforce their impact on reforms. Moreover, the approach applied in the Index is in line with the EU’s ”more for more” approach. It shows where each EaP country stands in terms of reforms and its relationship with the EU. As such, the Index points to those reform areas in each country where more progress is needed and serves as a reference point for civil society organizations in the EaP region that want to advocate policy change. Index 2012 is based on a more elaborated questionnaire than the 2011 Index and reflects comments and feedback received after the initial Index was published in November 2011. The Index has been developed by a group of over 50 civil society experts from EaP countries and the EU. Many more have contributed comments at various stages of the project. This Index is produced by the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) and the Open Society Institute in Brussels. The project is funded by the IRF’s European Programme and the EastEast: Partnership Beyond Borders Programme of the Open Society Foundations.



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EaP Index
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